To help our California customers prepare for emergencies and potential power outages, Pacific Power’s Medical Certificate and Medical Baseline programs offer the following for qualifying customers:
- Extra notifications whenever possible during Public Safety Power Shutoff events.
- A rebate of up to $800 on the purchase of a generator or backup power supply.
- A free portable battery for customers enrolled in the medical baseline program and California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program.
- An increase in the baseline allowance at the lower rate on their monthly energy bill.
Enrollment in Pacific Power's Medical Certificate program will automatically enroll customers in the California Medical Baseline program.
Enrollment in the medical programs does not guarantee that power will not be interrupted by a weather-related outage, other circumstances outside of Pacific Power’s control or a service disconnection due to bill nonpayment.
Residential customers are eligible for the Medical Certificate and Medical Baseline programs if they have a serious health condition that could be aggravated by a loss of power in their home or a serious medical condition that requires use of electrically powered medical equipment in the home. Examples include (but are not limited to) conditions that require the use of an electric powered mobility device, like a scooter or wheelchair; multiple sclerosis, scleroderma or other condition that requires additional heating and/or cooling needs; and/or any condition that requires use of medication that needs to be kept refrigerated (such as insulin).
More on Pacific Power's California Medical Programs | En Español | Hauv Hmoob